Semester 201220132


Section 01

Numbers of student: 20

In this semester only 20  students have been enrolled for this subject. Because the number of the student is 'good' i has decided to apply active learning and problem based learning technique. In the first meeting, the student is explained details on active learning and problem base learning. all of the student looks cherish  at 1st. May be they don't know the difficulties of this teaching method  which is needed their big effort and commitment to make it successful. their mind set then suddenly changed after two month struggle in the classes. some of them happy but most of them feel nervous when i am keep asking them a question related to what their study in previous week. after all here the results of SEE4113-Modern Control System:

ACTIVITY: SEE4113 Results for my student  Click here

OVERVIEW: Overall results is good but one student get D


Section 01 (Pulau Pinang)

Numbers of student: 13

This semester only 13  students have been enrolled for this subject. The student is a first year students and with the less numbers of student i has decided to apply active learning technique. Basically this class is a combination of diploma student from UTM, Politeknik and others college. In the first meeting, the student is explained details about active learning. i have trigger them to tell their previous background of education  and how their feel after 1 week being in UTM system. some of them is comfortable with the system but most of them is still trying to absorb the new system. after all here the results of SEE2113-Control Modeling and Simulation: 

ACTIVITY: SEE2113 Results for my student  Click here

OVERVIEW: Overall results is GOOD. 

COMPETENCY STANDARD 003: The teacher understands procedures for designing effective and coherent instruction and assessment based on appropriate learning goals and objectives.

ACTIVITY: Title name linked to the activity file

OVERVIEW: Include an overview paragraph of the activity and purpose/objective.

COMPETENCY STANDARD 004: The teacher understands learning processes and factors that impact student learning and demonstrates this knowledge by planning effective, engaging instruction and appropriate assessments.

ACTIVITY: Title name linked to the activity file

OVERVIEW: Include an overview paragraph of the activity and purpose/objective.